Here's a little something I wrote, as suggested by a friend...
Dear Mr Cameron,
I understand that you’re busy fighting a public vendetta
(sorry, *your public, Mr. Prime Minister) and all, so I’ll keep this short. I’m
a student and I sweat. I know, that sounds like the opening line of “sweaters
anonymous”, should that exist, but yes, I sweat.
I sweat because I have to find over one hundred and fifty
quotes and references this summer for my dissertation, plan the most important
document I will ever have to write and soak with tears, and if I wasn’t clammy
enough, I’m currently working thirty five hours a week at minimum wage to pay
for my extortionate student rent. Oh, I forgot to mention, my student finance
has been cut. I truly hope that the extra shifts I will have to take after
September don’t affect the degree that I have been working towards for the past
two years. I mean, you really mustn’t be that desperate for over-qualified
English language teachers, given that every single person in the UK is
English-speaking-British-born and bred, aren’t they?…but don’t worry, I shan’t
bore you with any more details, you must be so sick of us sweaty people by now.
I don’t know whether you’re into tennis, or squash (-maybe
even badminton?), but I can picture you now; sweat droplets soaking your
ironed-whites and absorbing quickly into your headband as you take your last
serve of your hour against Boris. Gosh, that’s a tiring lunch-break!
On another note, I come home from a twelve hour shift
stinking to high heavens of roasted meats, sporting a juicy gravy residue under
my finger nails and feeling as though my Achilles heels are going to snap
beneath me. It’s worth it for that £78 quid though; minus the tax, of course.
It’s also a good job I love showering, and take my personal hygiene very
seriously, even if I can only afford Aldi’s finest brand of shower gel- it’s
mighty hard to find affordable hygiene products when you have an intolerance to
soap (and bloody hell; prescriptions are dear!).
What I’m trying to get at, Mr Prime Minister, Sir, is a
question. I have only one question for you, and it’s a straight-forward ‘yes or
no’ answer that I require.
Would you so kindly lend me some deodorant?
Yours Sincerely,
BA Hons Syra
P.S- I’m sorry about the torn corner of this page. Some of
the wet stuff dribbled from my brow-it has been quivering uncontrollably since
early May.
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