Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Why Brautigan!?

Read anything by Richard Brautigan? If the answer is no, then maybe you should do something about it!

"Trout-Fishing in America" - Richard Brautigan.

Brautigan's world-famous novella, "Trout-Fishing in America" is truly a work of art. Brautigan entwines prose with abstract poetry to create a delicious poetry-prose cocktail for all of us poets to sip up, gulp down and drown in! His wacky and wonderful chapter titles range from "The Kool-Aid Wino" to  "Sea, Sea Rider" to "The Salt Creek Coyotes", and each- despite not seeming to have any relation to one another- carefully and skillfully relate to one another, as Brautigan's technique of repeating the line "trout fishing in America" not only reminds you of the title (which can be somewhat annoying at times) but also the subject matter...the issue at hand...the one thing he seems to be terribly passionate about. It's honestly worth a read...even if you manage only a few pages you will immediately recognise Brautigan's style, and maybe if you're feeling brave- you could write your own adaptation of his piece.

Free-writing or carefully crafted word-work!?

"You're supposed to make only two quarts of Kool-Aid from a package, but he always made a gallon, so his Kool-Aid was a mere shadow of it's desired potency."

"...and this is a very small cookbook for Trout Fishing in America as if Trout Fishing in America were a rich gourmet and Trout Fishing in America had Maria Callas for a girlfriend." 

It's safe to say one could easily perceive Brautigan's piece to be a running commentary of his many odd thoughts...others would say that his work is tactfully written- that this employs a clever technique of repetitive verbal diarrhoea which engages readers and spurs them on to continue reading...either way, I'm hooked. 

Make your own mind up about Brautigan- I'm not going to dictate to you his life story or discuss his other pieces of work- if you're interested, take a look yourself. In the meantime, here's my adaptation of the text. I urge you to write your own- it's a lot of fun and if nothing else, it'll teach you a new style of writing that most haven't considered before- including myself! 

My turn at Brautigan style...

all around me are clocks
with faces
of white and black and steely grey
like the boot of a CEO for a multi-million
dollar company in the heart of the deep south of america,
where everyone has glued on smiles and
rotting teeth and skin of midnight shade.


sky scrapers and high rise flats and
expensive duplexs sitting pretty next
to the smelly, brown canal,
which is full of decaying faeces and diapers
and newspapers sodding wet;
but still showing
wrinkles along the corners
like in the faces of
grand mammas and grand pappas.


there is a homeless man cradling
a half-empty-
or is it half-full?
bottle of liquor which dribbles from the corner
of his mouth and has formed a
small, boozy puddle under his many
unshaven chins,
and it tangles in his wild chest hair
making a sticky, matted mane which
trails to his belly button.


this mess-hall where I am gathered with
a large group of people
with faces like plumped up
christmas turkeys.

knives in people’s eyes stabbing me
and you
with faces of pure bitterness.
Have they stuffed their huge mouths with the
sourest lemons Italy can produce in a hot summer
before looking in my direction?!


two fat hill-billy men with empty pockets and bellies
are diving into shop-bought chocolate puddings-
the walmart variety-
with faces of glee and ecstasy and happiness,
while a little girl squeals with sheer delight when
hot, dripping pig fat dribbles from her chunky pork
sandwich and down the silver slope of her fork,
before shovelling it into her mouth in the same way
a gritter would plunge his spade into the salt before scattering
early on a January morning.


I wanted to go on an adventure through the
heart of this state.
I am leaning against a metal pole-
a bollard of some sort-
near a grungy parking lot in south texas.
I catch the sun between my index finger
and my thumb,
and people are staring at me
with faces of confusion-
has he gone mad? he surely cannot catch the sun?
but if you can catch rays like the youths say,
why can’t i catch the sun?
with faces of disbelief and
with minds simply swimming with questions
they gawped as I plucked the sun from the dreamy
blue azure sky that hung above us like a
silk cloak on this scorching afternoon,
and placed it neatly in my pocket for
the rainy days which were due to come.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will." - George Bernard Shaw

It's true. Want to write creatively? It's all in the mind- pfft...

You sit alone, bored, checking your Tweet feed regularly and clicking the Facebook Home button enough times to ensure that popping noise drones on and on in your head for hours...and you wonder why you can't seem to "get creative"... GO OUTSIDE! 

A little creative trigger of mine- colour! Yes, colour! We wake up, we shower, dress ourselves, eat breakfast, get on the bus, trapse into university/work/school looking sullen and glum from just a few hours' sleep and by 9am... already experiencing our first caffeine comedowns of the day...but in those few short hours of waking, have you taken just a few minutes to look around you and admire colour? I guarantee you haven't, and I'm certain you haven't thought about this until now...

The sun is shining through your window upon you undress the room with your eyes to adore the way in which the stream of sunlight has illuminated your walls, bedding, desk, table, chair, posters, canvas'...? The list goes on. No. I strongly believe you haven't. On that dreaded bus journey, did you think to look away from your iPod playlist for just one minute to admire the scenery? I'm not necessarily talking about the vivacious greens, warm browns and cool yellows of Autumn.... if you don't live in a quaint, rural village you're probably not going to see them- but even GREY is a colour...high-rise flats more your typical morning view? Or just a lot of road? Either way, the colours have a dramatic effect on your imagination...

In my experience, the transition period from night to day is inspiring. I sleep when everything is black...a colour; and I wake when every single coloured object in my bedroom is illuminated by the harsh brightness of the sun. I feel as though I am constantly surrounded by think, to write, and even to speak. 

Here's a test: 

Think of a colour- that's singular- just one. 
Write down the first three things or feelings that you associate with this colour...
Think of the mood these things create- write it down.


Already, you have a mood you associate with the colour of your choice, and three possible subject topics to discuss. Seems pretty straight-forward and possibly a little patronising if you're the type of person who believes you're already "in the know" and more than capable of doing such a tedious exercise...but it does work.

My Process:

Colour: Orange
3 things/feelings associated with colour: a satsuma, the sun, warmth.
Overall mood: (is it just random? if so, what's wrong with that?) Satisfied/content.

My Free-Thought Exercise:

Rolling, rolling,
Spraying sweet juice all around
as it soaks up the warmth of the late afternoon,
as the scorching sun penetrates it's toughened skin,
as the children chase their picnic down
the hill
and still,
It leaks a precious nectar,
Staining the fresh meadow with it's sticky
Orange dribble,
Teasing the little mites as they giggle
as the soft blades of summer grass tickle the web between their toes;-
barefoot and free, 
like balls from a cannon they shoot past other folk
dining Al Fresco with their families.

"Come, children!" 
Their mother would shout when they had reached the bottom
of the hill,
and still,
they would chase until the blazing
orange ball of fire
in the sky
beat upon their backs,
tinging them with flecks of dark pinks and swelling their freckles and moles...

"Children, come!"
She would yell as beads of sweat formed 
glistening, pearly jewels around her neck.
"There are plenty more satsumas in the basket!"

There you have's not perfect, it needs work, but that IS creative writing. Imagination is the beginning of creation. Make a start!